Amiga Plus Special 24
AMIGAplus Sonderheft 24 (2000)(Falke)(DE)[!].iso
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270 lines
;* *
;* Identify Installer Script *
;* *
;* $VER: Install-Identify 2.0 (27.12.97)
;* (C) 1997 Richard Körber -- All Rights Reserved
;********* MESSAGES ***************************************
(set MStartup
(cat "\nWelcome to the\n\n"
"Identify installation\n\n\n"
"Please read the manual BEFORE you use the software!"
(set POptions "What do you want to install?")
(set HOptions
(cat "Please choose the parts of the packet that should be installed.\n\n"
"Libraries: All identify libraries (this is the main part).\n\n"
"Tools: Small but useful tools.\n\n"
"Documentation: The user documentation.\n\n"
"Catalogs: Language catalogs (English is the built-in language)\n\n"
"If you are not sure what to install, I suggest you to use the default. "
"You can add further parts later, without problems."
(set SLibs "Libraries")
(set STools "Tools")
(set SDoc "Documentation")
(set SCatalog "Catalogs")
(set PLibDestDir "Where do you want to install the libraries?")
(set HLibDestDir
(cat "Choose the drawer for the system libraries. "
"Usually, this is \"LIBS:\"."
(set P68k "What version do you want to install?")
(set H68k
(cat "Please choose the processor version to be installed. "
"The 68020 version does not work on a 68000 and 68010. The 68000 "
"version runs on any processor, but requires more memory. "
"If you are in doubt, choose the default."
(set C68000 "68000, 68010")
(set C68020 "68020 and above")
(set PToolDestDir "Where do you want to install the tools?")
(set HToolDestDir
(cat "Choose a drawer that is within the shell path. "
"Usually, this is \"C:\"."
(set PDocDestDir "Where do you want to install the docs?\nA drawer will not be created.")
(set HDocDestDir
(cat "Choose a drawer where you put documentations into. You can also use "
"HELP:, if available."
(set PCatDestDir "Where do you want to install the catalogs?")
(set HCatDestDir
(cat "Choose the drawer where you put all locale catalog files. "
"Usually, this is \"LOCALE:Catalogs/\"."
(set PCopyLib "Copying the identify.library")
(set PCopyRexxLib "Copying the rexxidentify.library")
(set PCopyTool "Copying the tools")
(set PCopyDoc "Copying the documentations")
(set PCopyCat "Copying the catalogs")
(set HCopyTool
(cat "What tools should be installed?\n\n"
"ListExp: Describes your system, the expansion boards and commodities. "
"Very useful for bug reports or as ShowConfig replacement.\n\n"
"Guru: Translates a Guru code in human readable form.\n\n"
"Function: Returns the function name of a library at the provided offset."
"InstallIfy: Is an utility for installer scripts."
;********* FILES ******************************************
(set FIfyLibName "identify.library")
(set FIfyLib "libs/identify.library")
(set FIfy000Lib "libs/identify.library_000")
(set FRexxLib "libs/rexxidentify.library")
(set FListExp "ListExp")
(set FGuru "Guru")
(set FFunction "Function")
(set FInstallIfy "InstallIfy")
(set FTool "c/")
(set FDocs "docs/")
(set FCat "catalogs/")
;********* INSTALLER SCRIPT *******************************
(set @default-dest "") ; currently no specific dir
;------ Greetings to the user -----------------------------
(message MStartup)
;------ What should be installed --------------------------
(set InstOpts ; ask what to install
(prompt POptions)
(help HOptions)
(choices SLibs STools SDoc SCatalog)
(default -1)
(if (< (database "cpu") 68020)
(set FCopyIfyLib FIfy000Lib)
(set FCopyIfyLib FIfyLib)
;------ Ask for destinations ------------------------------
(if (IN InstOpts 0) ; Libs
(set LibDestDir "LIBS:") ; Destination for the library
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set LibDestDir
(prompt PLibDestDir)
(help HLibDestDir)
(default LibDestDir)
(if (< (database "cpu") 68020)
(set cpuchoice 0)
(set cpuchoice 1)
(if (= 0 (askchoice (prompt P68k) (help H68k) (choices C68000 C68020) (default cpuchoice)))
(set FCopyIfyLib FIfy000Lib)
(set FCopyIfyLib FIfyLib)
(if (IN InstOpts 1) ; Tools
(set ToolDestDir "C:")
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set ToolDestDir
(prompt PToolDestDir)
(help HToolDestDir)
(default ToolDestDir)
(if (IN InstOpts 2) ; Docs
(set DocDestDir
(prompt PDocDestDir)
(help HDocDestDir)
(default "Work:")
(if (IN InstOpts 3) ; Catalogs
(set CatDestDir "Locale:Catalogs/")
(if (= @user-level 2)
(set CatDestDir
(prompt PCatDestDir)
(help HCatDestDir)
(default CatDestDir)
;------ Copy all files ------------------------------------
(if (IN InstOpts 0) ; Libraries
(prompt PCopyLib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source FCopyIfyLib)
(dest LibDestDir)
(newname FIfyLibName)
(prompt PCopyRexxLib)
(help @copylib-help)
(source FRexxLib)
(dest LibDestDir)
(if (IN InstOpts 1) ; Tools
(prompt PCopyTool)
(help HCopyTool)
(choices FListExp FGuru FFunction FInstallIfy)
(source FTool)
(dest ToolDestDir)
(if (IN InstOpts 2) ; Docs
(prompt PCopyDocs)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source FDocs)
(dest DocDestDir)
(if (IN InstOpts 3) ; Catalogs
(prompt PCopyCat)
(help @copyfiles-help)
(source FCat)
(dest CatDestDir)
;********* DONE *******************************************